$68.00 Regular price
Made to Order: Ships in about 14 days

The colors of the Provence Scarf encapsulate everything the region is rightfully known for its neutral facades, French-blue shutters, antique porcelain, and rustic furniture.

How to wear:
- Summer Slant: Beige linen blouses, baby blue dresses
- Fall Forward: Leather dresses, suede jackets, and olive turtlenecks.

Machine-washable satin charmeuse scarves are equal parts delicate and durable.

Print is visible about 50% on the back side

Each scarf is printed and sewn by hand in Montreal, Canada

26" x 26" - Perfect for hair, purse, or neckties.

36" x 36" - Great for shawls or scarf tops. Can also be double-wrapped for a thicker neck scarf!

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